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Eu plantei os meus pés e reguei-os com água.


I felt it… its texture, its moisture, the contact with my bare feet. Through the fingers the earth seeped in and then ... the water. The water came and I felt life. I felt the liquid, soaking the earth, giving life to things. I planted my feet and watered them. (notes on writing the action)

I enter the garden and proceed to dig a hole in the earth. In a deviated action I take off my shoes and put myself inside the hole, covering it again with the earth. With a basin full of water i water my feet, now covered and planted, until it reaches the surface. An everyday action is thus transposed into an absurd context, where an idea of ​​experience and visual awareness is generated from the haptic perception of the contact of the planted feet with the earth and the water.


Eu plantei os meus pés e reguei-os com água.
Video frames and photographic documentation of the performative act

 Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, February 22, 2019
(2’52’’, colour, w/sound, loop)
Props: Garden grubber and basin with water

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