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Prospects for the creation of a flag (Ongoing Project)


Prospects for the creation of a Flag focuses on the gathering of objects left by the act of walking and an analysis of the movements and interactions with the daily life of the various cities where the performer and foreigner passed and visited, during the winter semester of 2019/20. It is from the collection of objects and waste, (usually associated with fabrics, rags and plastics) and their respective documentation, that the work gives rise to the possibility of creating a flag.


Prospects for the creation of a flag - Installation view, 2020
Solo exhibition Passagens por terras de ninguém, Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

No man´s flag, 2020
Wood, steel, screws, rags, fabrics and plastics stitched
256 x 150 x 4 cm


Prospects for the creation of a flag, 2019-20
Drawings, photographs, prints and maps

Variable dimensions

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