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The queue (Under construction)


The queue consists of a performative action that is presented indirectly and achieves its purpose through the document. Through a stop motion sequence, a pair of shoes travels until reaching the Prague metronome. In photography, red residues are recorded - temporary outlines drawn and delineated on the floor - left by the path of the ghost shoes, as if it became evidence of the act, remnants and physical evidence of the event. Issues of temporality and repetition are inherent in the work, establishing a direct and symbolic relationship before the metronome and its history. It is in fact evidence of a wait, of a queue that slowly advances to meet the physical representation of a stopped time (the device is not operational). Presenting the stop motion, reflects on the connections between the city, the action and the metronome with the documentation itself. This is the materialization of time, waiting and movement. The event had as its original motive a conversation with the local people, where subjects and themes related to the metronome were discussed. From the functionalities and purposes of the device, its condition at the time, its construction and creation after the Velvet Revolution, as well as the former and monumental statue that occupied the huge plinth where the metronome is currently located, to a popular Czech joke about the extinct monument related to a queue for meat. To present the documentation in stop motion is to expose the still image that walks, that moves. As it says on the monument sign “In time, all thing pass…”, the queue will make its way, leave its residues and, who knows, in the near future the metronome will start to mark the time again, the musical and daily movements of the Prague city.

The cue.jpg

The queue - Documentation of the performative act

Létna Park, Praga, Républica Checa , January 16, 2020

Stop Motion video (0’03’’, colour, loop) 

Duration: 34 minutes

Props: Black shoes and red soft pastels


Phantom footprints, 2020

Photographic documentation

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